March 2013
Hello and welcome to The Health Retreat’s March Newsletter.
In our Newsletters you can expect to receive inspiration, tips and words of wisdom from our wonderful Team at The Health Retreat.
In this edition we welcome Rowan a new member to the team. Our amazing Life Coaches share more tips to help you to continue to stay empowered. The Retreat Chef’s continue to delight and tantalise our taste buds with more delicious healthy recipes.
PLUS we share with you some creative artwork and we’ll announce Helga’s Bootcamp Champ of the month.
If you have any specific topics you would like covered in the newsletter or wish to share a personal story, please send it through to Helga at: helga@thehealthretreat.net.au
We look forward to sharing and helping you continue to stay empowered and 100%
Best Wishes
Francis & Carol
And the very Remarkable Health Retreat Team Team |
Unchallenged beliefs will run behaviour and create well entrenched patters which attract people, situation and events which confirms that particular belief, therefor keeping it in existence.
What do we need to do? Become more and more aware of how you are feeling ( body sensations ) and what you are thinking so you can identify the beliefs governing your behaviour.
How the steps look:
1. Ask yourself what must I be thinking to feel this way?
2. Which filter of stress does this relate to?
3. What can I start thinking now to move towards a healthier and wiser response?
4. Do what is needed NOW to shift the level of thinking ‘mind’ and ‘body’ feelings to awaken the Wisdom you have learnt.
* * *
Quote from Salima
Your are the chosen one to live your life,
your way, bringing more joy love and wisdom to others.
Recommended Reading
Difficult Conversations, How To Discuss What Matters Most
By Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen
Love & Big Hug
Salima Speranza
Mind Body Wisdom Coaching
Hints for Progressive Living
Always remember that your worth is not something you have to earn. Your worth is intrinsic and permanent. Worth is something you uncover, recover, discover. We do earn our self-esteem however … especially by a process of honouring our emotions.
Richard’s Quote Pick
“The human is a space, an opening,
where the universe celebrates its existence.”
~ Brian Swimme PhD
Must see video, click here!
Richard’s Book Pick
The Power of Coincidence: How Life Shows Us What We Need to Know
~ by Dr David Richo

Comment by Richard
~ This book is a beautiful and powerful
elaboration upon our 2nd upgrade … mind expanding
Enjoy !
Click here to read more or buy here.
Jayana’s Pearls of Wisdom
“Life is not a tension anywhere except in the minds of humanity.”
– Osho
Remember Emotions are your personal Feedback System, leading you directly to the belief you hold about events, situations, or yourself in any given moment.
Instead of making them right or wrong, good or bad, remember they are the automatic, physical effect of what you are thinking.
Allow yourself to pause, feel them, gather information they hold, then trace back to inaccurate thinking and beliefs, allowing you to transform them by making better, different choices (change).
Instead of being stuck in the limited view, see the wider perspective of the situation and UPGRADE using the Wisdom Upgrades.
The emotional experience automatically changes as you change beliefs and become aligned with reality.
And remember – your Self Worth is not defined by any of this.
Self Care Tips
What helps to bring you back to your centre when life gets hectic, is making a regular appointment to take time for yourself, in meditation.
Silent sitting, being the Observer, allows you to gradually detach from the minds busy-ness. This takes time, developing the practice, regularity is the key.
Latest research indicates meditation practice has a far more beneficial affect on the body than medication for stress, anxiety and depression.
Above all, be your own best friend.
Jo’s Picks
We all need to learn to be our own best friend and give ourselves advice, when needed, as we would to our closest friends.
Because YOU are going to be with yourself for the rest of our life.
What progress, you ask, have I made?
I have begun to be a friend to myself.
Hecato, Greek philosopher
Be not afraid of growing slowly;
be afraid only of standing still.
Chinese Proverb
Jaye’s Quote
I have a lovely book to share with all of you. It is one of a series called “ MODERN SPIRITUAL MASTERS SERIES,” which introduces the Essential Writings of THICH NHAT HANH (which means One Action), with an introduction by SISTER ANNABEL LAITY. Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist monk of the Vietnamese meditation school. To his friends and students he is more affectionately known as “Thay,” which means teacher.
The principles of the Buddhist ‘way of life,’ are presented in a light simple read.
From time to time, to relax, to be peaceful, we may wish to retreat or practice a day of Mindfulness. I would like to offer one short poem you can recite from time to time, while breathing and smiling. I have taken it from Chapter One .
Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment.
I know this is a wonderful moment.
“Breathing in, I calm my body.” This line is like drinking a glass of ice water, you feel the cold, the freshness, permeate your body. You can actually feel the breathing calming your body and mind.
“Breathing out, I smile.” You know the effect of a smile. A smile can relax hundreds of muscles in your face and nervous system.
“Dwelling in the present moment.” While I sit here, I don’t think of somewhere else, of the future or the past. I sit here and know where I am. Now is the moment to be alive, in the present moment.
“I know this is a wonderful moment.” This is the only moment that is real. To be here and now, and enjoy the present moment is our most important task.
“Calming, Smiling, Present Moment, Wonderful Moment.”
Zoe’s Dairy Free Custard
1 x 400ml coconut cream
600ml Rice Milk
6 egg yolks
1/2 cup of Honey
2 tablespoons corn flour
Put coconut cream and rice milk into a sauce pan and bring to the boil.
Meanwhile beat remaining ingredients in a bowl until combined.
Whisking constantly, pour the milk into the egg mix then return to the pan on medium heat and continue whisking until mixture starts to thicken.
Transfer to container and refrigerate.
* * *
Zoe’s Aioli Recipe
Don’t be fooled, this recipe appears long winded and difficult, however it won’t take more than 10 minutes and once you have made it the first time you will realise that it is a piece of cake to make!
3 Egg Yolks
1 tsp Mustard
150mls Lemon Juice
2 cloves of garlic finally chopped
1lt light flavoured oil e.g. grape seed, sunflower.
Place all ingredients, except the oil, in a food processor and turn on to highest speed setting. Once the mix turns pale, this will only take a few seconds, begin to add your oil slowly, in a steady lightstream. Once you have added about a third of the oil you can begin to increase the amount you are adding, keeping the oil flow steady.
At about the half waypoint the aioli will become very thick. You can add in 1 tablespoon of water, then slowly continue adding the oil.
Once all the oil is added you will have a very thick aioli, depending on how you like it you can add some extra water a little bit at a time until you reach desired consistency. Once you have stopped the food proccesor and tasted your aioli, then season accoringly and give it a final whiz to mix.
Your aioli is now ready to be used as is or added to make other flavours eg. Tartare, seafood.
Zoe Wilson, Chef @ The Retreat House |
Spanish Chicken with Lemons
Onions & Olives
Serves 4-6

1 whole chicken, about 2 kg , cut into parts
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon rice flour
1/4 cup grated ginger
3 teaspoons smoked paprika
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper 3 medium lemons
2 large brown onions, sliced
1 large fennel bulb, halved and sliced 12 whole garlic cloves, peeled
3/4 cups pitted green olives
1 pinch ground cinnamon
1 cup whole peeled tomatoes, crushed 1 Tablespoon white wine vinegar
1 bunch coriander , roughly chopped
Heat the oven to 425 degrees. Combine 1/2 cup of the flour, ginger and 1 teaspoon of the smoked paprika in a large bowl. Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy pot (a big Dutch oven, perhaps?) over medium-high heat. Dry the chicken parts thoroughly with paper towels and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper on all sides. Dredge the chicken in the seasoned flour and then place in your pot in batches. Allow the chicken to thoroughly brown, about 5 minutes per side. Don’t crowd the pan! Remove the chicken to a plate and repeat until all of your chicken pieces are golden and crispy-looking.
Quarter the lemons, but zest one of them first; reserve the zest. (If your lemons have a thick pith, you’ll want to zest all 3 and then juice them, discarding the pith; this will help you avoid a bitter sauce.) Add the onion, quartered lemons (or zest of 2 lemons and the juice of all 3), fennel, garlic, green olives, the remaining 2 teaspoons of smoked paprika, and cinnamon to the pot; cook until softened, golden, and overall mushy-looking, about 10 minutes. Taste for salt. Sprinkle the mixture with the remaining tablespoon of flour and stir over the heat for two minutes. Add the tomatoes and the wine and bring to a boil — let bubble away for a minute or two. Add the lemon zest.
Place the chicken pieces back into the pot, skin side up, along with any drippings from the plate. Poke the onion/fennel/garlic/olive mixture so it surrounds the chicken on all sides. Place in the oven, uncovered, and bake for 30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
Garnish with shallots. Serve warm. Delicious!
Aravindha, Chef @ The Health Retreat
Introducing Rowan Bradley to the Team of Inner Journey Therapists at The Health Retreat.
Rowan brings an extensive amount of experience in the field of natural health and healing.
Carolita’s Fresh Tomato Salsa

8 large ripe tomatoes, diced into 1cm approx. squares
1 tablespoon salt
3 large garlic cloves crushed
1 bunch of fresh coriander chopped finely
1 red capsicum chopped very finely
1 red onion chopped very finely
½ teaspoon chili powder
- Mix all ingredients together in ceramic bowl and allow to stand for about
- one hour before serving.
- Stir a few times during that time to allow flavours time to infuse.
- Serve as topping for Mexican dishes.
Lots of love
Carolita Chef @ The Health Retreat |
February’s Masterpieces!
Artwork by Troy, David, Jacob & Nam
Helga’s February Bootcamp Champ
Congratulations ‘Danni’
February 2013
Boot Camp Champ
1st – Danni 18 minutes, 47 seconds
Some great achievements this month, and regardless of time everyone’s efforts were amazing…well done to all those that gave it a shot
(yes Gavin that includes you too!)

Troy boxing, Francis coaching.
Hayley shared this quote with me during my stay at The Health Retreat
and I thought it worth sharing, Jon (client)
Throw as many hooks as you like my way,
I don’t bite
I just keep swimming away!
‘Thank You’ Hayley
March 2013
- More Quotes & Tips from the Life Coaches