Contact Us

Only you can make the changes needed by contacting us now!

Picture your life one year from now. Imagine how it would feel to be excited about your life and confident that you could handle whatever life threw at you.

Don’t spend another day feeling like life has gone wrong.

When you contact The Health Retreat you don’t talk to a sales person, you talk to the founder directly.

Call us now so you can learn more about this effective method that is changing lives.

I know how difficult it is to make a decision on where to go, however making the decision to come to us, is the very best decision you can make for recovery.

I want to make sure I have an accurate treatment plan for every client, also it is so important to make the admission as seamless and stress-free as possible. Call or email me, no matter how bad things seem for the family I know I can help.

Phone: 07 5448 4488
Mobile: 0477 163 718

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