July 2013
Hello and welcome to The Health Retreat’s July 2013 Newsletter.
In our Newsletters you can expect to receive inspiration, tips and words of wisdom from our wonderful Team at The Health Retreat.
In July’s edition our amazing Life Coaches recommend some great books to read, share some video links and more importantly some quotes and their personal tips to help you to continue to stay empowered. Aravindha, one our our chef’s will delight and tantalise our taste buds again with his delicious Red Lentil Dhal recipe.
PLUS we thank Deidre for opening her heart and allowing us to share her personal story with you all. We also have some Bongo Drum photos to share, we’ll announce Helga’s Bootcamp Champ of the month and provide more great tips from successful exercisers to keep you in good shape and motivated.
MASTER CLASS RETREAT…we are very excited also to announce our new and exciting 8 day life changing Educational Program which will be launched within weeks. Features include:
- Naturopathy
- Mindfulness
- Massage
- Stress Management
- Meditation
- Daily Group Training
- Yoga
- Self Defence
- Nutrition
- Organic Food
- Learn how to take a healthy body, healthy mind to a whole new level.
- Learn yourself, and have the tools to help the whole family.
- Live longer and happier with all the new, sophisticated Master Class Health Retreat Program.
On completion of your program you will receive your Master Class Healthy Living Teacher Certificate.
Call Francis and register now 07 5494 3996, or email him at info@thehealthretreat.net.au
If you have any specific topics you would like covered in next months newsletter or wish to share a personal story, please send it through to Helga at: helga@thehealthretreat.net.au
We look forward to sharing and helping you continue to stay empowered and 100%.
Best Wishes
Francis & Carol
And the very Remarkable Health Retreat Team
ADDICTIONS – It is not the drug of choice that you are ultimately addicted to, but instead how the drug makes me ‘feel about yourself. To let go the D.O.C. you need to look more closely at what needs it is fulfilling.
Those needs will help you become more aware of the feelings and beliefs that are being fulfilled by the D.O.C..
Now your job is to ‘believe in yourself‘ and start the process of taking little steps to find healthier and wiser ways to fullfill those needs within yourself.
TASK – Take pen to paper and write down all the reasons you use the D.O.C. and then look for the core beliefs on where you are not comfortable in some area of your life. Once you have discovered where you feel vulnerable, yes vulnerable!, this will be the place to work from. It’s your VULNERABILITY – that holds the key to the area of your life that is singing out to you, not to drown it, but instead let it GROW UP, EVOLVE INTO YOUR WISER SELF.
ACTION STEP – Come up with at least three areas you can research to find support for making the change that is needed. It’s okay to get support / education when making change in how you THINK, FEEL AND BEHAVE.
The Honey Moon Effect – Bruce Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and lecturer, is an internationally recognised leader in bridging science and spirit
Click here to read more or buy the book
“Don’t fear the change, change fear.”
Mind Body Wisdom Coaching
Salima Speranza 🙂
Tips from Richard
Remember that your body is composed of some 50 trillion cells, and it is in a continual state of flux. At an atomic scale the body is being completely replaced at least every seven years. This situation brings up the question: “If my body is always changing and completely replaced every seven years, what then is the nature of my core identity that seems to never change?” By practicing inner-access and deep meditative awareness there is a real opportunity to see past the bodily identification and to ‘re-cognise’ the still, silent, pure, open spaciousness that feels like ‘home’. Who you are is not a story about a temporary body but rather a ‘non-object’ of pure open experiencing. Sound weird? You bet it does, but sometimes there are things that just beyond words and language. We’ve heard it before from a number of sources … “Turn within.” Go ahead and do it … and see just how that enhances your capacity to change your beliefs, your perceptions, and your world.
Richard’s Quote
“Powers are attributed to any structure of ideas. We all tend to think that our categories of understanding are necessarily real. The yearning for rigidity is in us all. It is part of our human condition to long for hard lines and clear concepts. Yet when we have them, we have to either face the fact that some realities elude them, or else blind ourselves to the inadequacy of the concepts.”
~ Mary Douglas – Purity and Danger (1966)
Richard’s Link Picks
A cool link about the relaxing practice of ‘Forest Bathing’
A link about ‘The Overview Effect’ …
which is analogous to our practices of upgrading.
Click here to view
Richards Book Pick
Wherever You Go There You Are ~ By Jon Kabat-Zinn
This is a beautiful and soulful book about mindfulness meditation written in clear language. It is easy to read and apply, and it contains relevant quotes from world authorities. Highly recommended …
Jayana’s Pearls of Wisdom
If you knew you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend your remaining time?
What would you do, and say?
This exercise really brings you back to whats important to You. It allows you to drop the “story”, and to reconnect with your innate Wisdom. The Stress Filters have less room to operate.
Following through “as if” brings a choice of behaving differently with life’s circumstances we find ourselves “in”.
Everyone I know always automatically begins to experience awareness of appreciation, natural forgiveness and let go; of wanting to connect and communicate honestly, simply, to share how they feel and tell people they care about they are loved. Judgement becomes so much less of concern.
It also helps shake out smaller concerns and help you focus on your real priorities. Whats true and meaningful for You?
My invitation is to try it for yourself.
Follow through, take small steps to action, see how the day becomes lighter, brighter for being more authentically centred.
Recommended Reading
The Breakthrough Experience
by Dr John Demartini.

Click here to read more or order online
See you on the swings!
Jayana x
Jo’s Pick
This quote was sent to me by a guest who is coming on a program soon. It seems most appropriate when considering taking 15 to 29 days out of busy lives can change your life forever.
“Two weeks in learning how to live is better than a year of rest with no such guidance”
Murdo MacDonald-Bayne
Love Jo
Jaye’s Wisdom Tips for July
Next time you are feeling less about self, like you don’t belong or that you aren’t meant to be here. Remind yourself of the Bigger Picture or look at the above picture.
The truth is “You Are Nature” and “You are Life.”
If you look closely at nature, there are clues. In nature you see life, death, beautiful flowers, rotting. Evolution is the word we give to life continually learning and growing. When presented with a challenge, life tries something. If it doesn’t work, that thing dies off and if it does work, we go down the path of evolution.
We say “but that is nature.” We forget they are a clue and we are part of this. If something happens to us, we say “it’s not fair,” “I’m missing out,” “I should have done things differently” and therefore “I am Worthless.”
We believe this because we have attached our Self Worth to everything outside of us, hoping to increase our value.
The truth is that everything in Nature (including you), is automatically contributing to the system of life and this stems to everything in reality. In our relationship to nature, others, our genetic family, we are all contributing to the all. Our True Value has nothing to do with what we have or do, but comes from our very existence and that we are here to do it. If we are nature and life, then we are continually learning and growing. If something isn’t working for us, we need to find the beliefs behind the behaviour and find new ways of viewing the situation.
This is the only way we can make change. The truth is “we can’t get life wrong,” “we are always receiving development and learning,” “we acted the way we did at that moment due to our beliefs” and “we are worthy because we are alive.”
Book Suggestion
‘Being You, Changing The World’ by Dr. Dain Heer
I am now reading this book for the second time, this time applying some of the tools. Enjoy!
Hi to you all amazing people
Just for the moment stop and ask yourself this simple question:
“What lens / filter am I looking my life through now?”
Is it lens 1:
Life not going to plan or Life going to plan (right/wrong path)?, or
Is it lens 2:
Missing out on needs and wants?
Maybe lens 3:
I/they should have behaved differently (blame , blame and more blame ), or
Is it lens 4:
Reduced self worth /value?
Once you’ve identified the lens press the ‘Pause Button’ immediately. Stop feeding it!
Remember that by changing your lens you can change your response YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE .
Warm wishes
Aravindha’s Red Lentil Dhal
· 1 tablespoon Grape Seed or rice bran oil
· ½ tsp cumin seed
· ½ tsp black mustard seed (dry roast cumin with black mustard seeds in a dry fry pan with no oil, then leave to the side to cool)
· 1 medium brown onion, finely chopped
· 2 garlic cloves, crushed
· 3 coriander roots finely diced
· 1cm piece fresh ginger, grated
Add following ingredients into 2 litres of boiling water:
· ½ tsp turmeric ground
· 1 cup dried red lentils, rinsed & drained
· ½ tsp Vegetable stock (optional)
· 2 cups thinly sliced white Cabbage
· 70g baby spinach
· ½
cup fresh coriander leaves
Chonce (Indian Stock)
1. Heat oil in a saucepan over a medium heat.
2. Cook onion for 8 to 10 minutes or until tender.
3. Add garlic dry roasted seeds, garlic, coriander root and ginger, cook for 2 minutes or until fragrant.
4. Add lentils, turmeric and stock to 2 Liters of boiling water & bring to the boil.
5. Skim off any white milky substance from the top of boiling water.
6. Add cabbage, to cook
reduce heat to low and simmer, partially covered, for 30 minutes or until lentils have softened.
7. Cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, for extra 20 to 30 minutes or until thickened.
8. When Indian stock (Chonce) is cooked add this to cooked lentils to cook further 10 minutes.
9. Remove from heat. Stir in spinach.
10. Serve warm with fresh coriander and cooked basmati rice.
With Love – Aravindha Chef @ The Health Retreat |
Helga’s June Bootcamp Champ
Congratulations ‘Josh’
June 2013
Boot Camp Champ
1st – Joshua 21 minutes, 45 seconds
2nd – Miles 29 minutes, 46 seconds
3rd – Jacinta 29 minutes 47 seconds
followed closely by:
Palmer, 29 minutes, 49 seconds
Ash 30 minutes and 51 seconds
Emma 31 minutes and 20 seconds
Some great achievements this month, and regardless of time everyone’s efforts were amazing…well done to all those that gave it a shot, even those that walked or did alternative exercise that suited their fitness level.
June’s Fun Times
Bongo Drums

Another beautiful note received from a valued client
Hello to Everyone at The Retreat. “Heartbreak Hill” – I remember it well! it is a wonderful challenge to walk up. At first sight I thought “No – I couldnt do this” but it is like some things in life – once you try it is amazing how you can achieve a goal.
My stay at The Retreat was one of the best times in my life – I felt so healthy and very happy with what I learnt from all the amazing staff. The exercise and the delicious healthy food is amazing. You all helped me to gain a better understanding of life’s challenges and how to cope.
Thank you and I will look forward to reading your interesting Newsletters.

Kim (youngest daughter), me (Deidre), Phillip (girls father) & Joanne (eldest daughter)
Kim is engaged to Mark and lives in Sydney and Joanne is married to Richard and they live in France! Phillip live in Nowra.

My Birthday Celebrations in April Sydney Harbour Cruise with 83 friends – we all had a great day.
If you wish to share your news, please send through you contributions to helga@thehealthretreat.net.au (Only first names will be published)
The 38 Best Methods of Successful Exercisers –Part 2
(thanks Richard for finding these great handy excercise tips…looking forward to seeing next months Part 3 tips…)
How do you form the exercise habit – really make it stick?
Take the first step.
Then take another. Make each step so important that you can’t miss it. And enjoy each step.
Last month we looked at Part 1’s: 10 tips and today we’ll look at another 5 of the 38 great exercise tips:
- This is the one that’s helped the most: I’ve made a point to really, really, REALLY notice how much better I feel now that I exercise regularly; I’m sleeping better, my mood is better, I’m much less sluggish. It took about 3-4 weeks to see it, but it’s helped a lot.
- Make it a habit, don’t rely on motivating yourself to workout, consciously think of it as just something you do after ‘x’. This was a huge aha moment for me.
- On that note, do it in the morning, habits are much easier to establish in the morning. The triggers are much more dependable (finish cup of coffee – put on gym shorts). Morning triggers are always there and the day has not polluted your plans yet.
- A daily morning ritual to mark the beginning of training. In my case, tying up my bandana on my head mean’t ‘It’s running time’.
- I started running consistently the month before I got divorced. In theory it was the lowest part of my life – but I’d never felt better. I couldn’t get over that. I was sold on exercise, though it took me a while to make running the non-negotiable part of my schedule it is now. After I got married again and when our daughter was a baby I used to run at the high school track near our house. I’d pretend the bleachers were filled with people cheering me on. “Good job!” And, “It’s great you’re leaving the baby with Dad for a while on this beautiful summer evening to do something for yourself.” Well, nice – and hell. It was hell. I wasn’t in shape, I didn’t want to miss a second with our new baby, and that was that. The pretend cheerleaders must’ve helped. Certainly they didn’t hurt. Because eventually, through a series of learning and unlearning and relearning the importance of exercising, it’s what I do. No discussion. No bargaining out of workouts unless I’ve made them up in advance. It’s soothing, really. There are no decisions to be made about exercise. I just do it. To the extent anything else good happens, I attribute it to this: running is magic.
August’s Newsletter
- more tips from the life coaches
- scrumptious recipes
- recommended reading
- exercise tips
- Helga’s boot camp champ
- and more…
A 36-speaker car stereo. |
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