June 2013
Hello and welcome to The Health Retreat’s June 2013 Newsletter.
In our Newsletters you can expect to receive inspiration, tips and words of wisdom from our wonderful Team at The Health Retreat.
In this edition our amazing Life Coaches share more tips to help you to continue to stay empowered. The Retreat Chef’s will continue to delight and tantalise our taste buds with their delicious healthy recipes.
PLUS we thank Mo’s for opening her heart and allowing us to share her personal story with you all, we also have some creative artwork and we’ll announce Helga’s Bootcamp Champ of the month.
If you have any specific topics you would like covered in the newsletter or wish to share a personal story, please send it through to Helga at: helga@thehealthretreat.net.au
We look forward to sharing and helping you continue to stay empowered and 100%
Best Wishes
Francis & Carol
And the very Remarkable Health Retreat Team Team
If you are ready to ‘Step Up’ and take the next steps in developing Wisdom, then this is for YOU!
BEING THE CHANGE – UPGRADE PROCESS – (This process was created several months ago while working with the lovely Mel )
(1) Write down who you are still blaming.
(2) Write down what you are blaming them for.
(3) When you have revealed what the blame topic is, write down why you are unwilling to do anything about it.
(4) Ask yourself if you are now ready to let go of wanting to blame someone else for your feeling so that you don’t have to change?
(5) Ask yourself if you could let go now?
(6) Ask yourself if you would rather hold onto blame or would you rather be free to be the change that is needed.
* Question 4/5/6/ Inspired by Richard’s morning discussion *
(7) Now write down what you can THINK, FEEL AND TAKE ACTION ON TO BE THE CHANGE!
Salima’s Quote
When you are blaming someone for how you feel, you are making them responsible for the change you are unwilling to make.
by Salima
Ted Talks – Shane Koyczan – “To This Day”, for the bullied and the beautiful
* I shared this video with the group today and many hearts were touched *
Big Wisdom Hug
Salima – Mind Body Wisdom Coaching
Richard’s Quote
“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”
~ J.K. Rowling
Tips from Richard
You are always more than your states. Be mindful to identify your states, rather than identify with them. This can be one of your guideposts to freedom. Learn to quickly recognise when you are in a state, slow it all down, remember you are always more than your state and then identify the state itself. “I am not sad but rather, sadness is moving through my body-mind.” Herein you will create a gap and that gap is an opportunity for freedom. From this recognition proceed into upgrading.
Richards Book Pick
Transformation: Understanding the Three Levels of Masculine Consciousness … by Robert A. Johnson
This little book can serve as a map for discovering ‘where’ you might be on your journey. It is applicable for both men and women and it uses the tales of Don Quixote, Hamlet, and Faust to clearly illustrate these levels.
Valuable Link
This is the home website for the public television programs hosted by psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove: ‘Thinking Allowed’
~ where he interviews major figures in the human potential movement.
Jayana’s Pearls of Wisdom
Remember, everytime you experience a strong reaction, feeling, emotion that “upsets” you, what is actually being upset is not you, but the belief or beliefs that the event, comment, person or event has triggered in you that you hold, and are now experiencing the effects of.
Remember to give yourself a timeout buffer, to regroup, inspect what you were thinking at the time, follow the thread to see what belief you have about yourself/life that was triggered, and Upgrade to a more realistic understanding.
A helpful way to remember this for those of you who are visual learners is this story:
Imagine sitting at a table, working away and you momentarily stop what you are doing because of an uncomfortable feeling. You reach down and pluck a heavy scrap of “something” that has slipped out of your back pocket, and is caught in the stitching of your jeans. You unattach it, lift it up to the light, turning it this way and that, curious to see what it is…then realise its an old, rusty little gadget you vaguely remember thinking was very important to hang onto, ages ago.
With this inspection complete, and dawning realisation its no longer needed, you drop it into the bin. You carry on with what you were doing, only this time you feel much more comfortable as the heaviness of the object is no longer weighing you down.
This analogy reminds us of the steps to respond authentically – stop, breathe, step aside to find the real cause, inspect and discard (Upgrade) whats no longer working or serving us, continue with your path, adding to your wisdom and appreciation.
Happy lint picking! Blessings from Jayana
Jo’s Pick
The Man In the Mirror
Click here to Watch
Listen to the lyrics because this is exactly where the change starts
Love Jo
Thoughts on Forgiveness
Life Coaching with Jaye
- Do you find it hard to forgive yourself or someone else?
- Can you or someone else have behaved any differently, in any moment?
- Do you believe that if you forgive someone, you are condoning their behaviour?
- Is there a situation that you can’t understand or accept?
It is always important that we look at these Beliefs we hold against REALITY! When we can’t accept or forgive ourselves, we are creating STRESS within our body. When we can’t accept or forgive others, we are creating STRESS within our body. We are NOTcreating STRESS within the other person’s body.
So some other healthy, wholesome ways of looking at Forgiveness are…
… Forgiveness is to forgo punishment of ourselves and others.
… REALITY is that Forgiveness is when we fully accept and understand an experience.
… To forgive is to let go of the perception that someone else could have acted differently, which relates to the 3rd Wisdom Upgrade here at The Health Retreat.
And finally my quote for the month:
“Forgiveness is not something we do for others. We do it for ourselves so we learn, grow and move on.”
Close your eyes and touch base with your body, see how different you feel, when you look at Forgiveness in this way.
Jaye’s Book Selection
Forgiveness Is a Choice (APA Lifetools) by Robert D Enright
Hi to you all
I would like to share this beautiful story with you.
Hope you like it.
The story of “Two wolves” illustrates a battle of character building or character destruction.
Two Wolves
An old Indian Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice.
Grandfather said “Let me tell you a story:”
I too have felt a great hate for those who have taken so much, with no sorrow for what they have done. But hate wears you down and does not hurt your enemy. It is like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have struggled with these feelings many times.
Grandfather continued….
There is a battle that goes inside of us all. It is as if there are two wolves battling inside each of us.
One is:
“Joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. He does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way. He saves all his energy for the right fight.”
The second is:
“Anger, envy, sorrow, regret greed, arrogance, self pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority. The smallest things will send him into a fit of temper. He fights everyone all the time for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger, for his anger will change nothing. Sometimes it is hard to live with these two wolves inside of us, for both will try and dominate our spirit.”
The boy looked intently into Grandfather’s eyes and asked…
“Which wolf wins, Grandfather?”!
The Grandfather smiled and quietly said…
“The one you feed.”
Aravindha’s Minestrone Soup
Serves 4
Ingredients to add to boiling water:
- 1/2 Tsp dried parsley
- 1/2 Tsp dried oregano
- 1/2 Tsp fresh time
- 1/4 Tsp dried Chilli (optional)
- 3 cups of chopped or diced Italian tomatoes
- 1/4 cup of olive oil
- 1/4 cup vegetable stock (organic)
- 1 large onion – finely chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic – finely chopped
Add to pot of boiling stock
- 3 Celery sticks – finely chopped
- 2 carrots – cut into cubes
- 3 potatoes – cut into cubes
- 3 zucchini – cut into cubes
Note: Optional – add Hungarian salami
Cook for at least 1-½ hours (until potatoes are cooked & the soup thickens)
- Add 1 can of red kidney beans
- Add the rind of 1/2 a lemon
- Add the juice of 1/2 a lemon
- Cook ½ a cup of small organic gluten free macaroni pasta as per the packet instructions – cool down
- Just before serving add ¼ cup of chopped fresh bail leaves, macaroni pasta, salt and pepper to taste.
Bona apatite
The best of Aravindha’s
Italian soup
Chef, The Health Retreat |
Middle Eastern Style Chickpea & Vegetable Soup
1 brown onion, finely diced
2 teaspoons ground turmeric
1-teaspoon ground coriander
2 teaspoons ground cumin
5 cups vegetables (potatoes, carrots, celery & capsicum)
2 tins chickpeas
1-cup peas
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
1 litre of water
2 tablespoons vegetable stock
Salt to taste
1. Cook of onions in a large pot, add spices and cook, stirring continuously.
2. Add vegetables, except peas and mix through spices. Add chickpeas, stock, water and tomatoes. Boil 40 minutes or until potatoes are cooked.
3. Add peas and season; continue boiling until peas are cooked.
Chef, The Health Retreat
Helga’s May Bootcamp Champ
Congratulations ‘Paul’
May 2013
Boot Camp Champ
1st – Paul 28 minutes, 30 seconds
2nd – Joshua 31 minutes 50 seconds
Some great achievements this month, and regardless of time everyone’s efforts were amazing…well done to all those that gave it a shot, even those that walked or did alternative exercise that suited their fitness level.

Paul (Champ), with Jason & Andy Paul & his sister Mary, giving a few boxing tips
Dayle giving Joshua encouragement Joshua starts to tired…almost finished.
May’s Art Masterpieces



A beautiful note received from a valued client
Thank you for everything you did for me. You changed and saved my life, as well as letting me see things in a new way. I never thought it would ever be possible. I’m still on a dairy, gluten and wheat free diet. Still keeping up with the exercise and feeling great with so far no massive issues since I’ve been back. I learnt so much from my time there, and taking everything with me on my new journey. Please say Hi to everyone for me.
I hope you like my new tattoo that I got to remind me of my time at the health retreat.
Miss everyone so much. I will be keeping in touch.
Thanks again Mo
If you wish to share your news, please send through you contributions to helga@thehealthretreat.net.au (Only first names will be published) |
The 38 Best Methods of Successful Exercisers –Part 1
(thanks Richard for finding these great handy excercise tips…looking forward to seeing next months Part 2 tips…)
How do you form the exercise habit – really make it stick?
Take the first step.
Then take another. Make each step so important that you can’t miss it. And enjoy each step.
That’s my method, honed from eight years of forming the exercise habit. It works for me.
But everyone has a different method, and it’s inspiring and massively useful to learn from others who’ve successfully created the habit themselves.
In PART 1 today, we’ll look at 10 of the 38 great list of those methods:
- Stop looking at it as a habit and instead as a lifestyle and an important part of your self-care.
- Work out first thing in the morning. You get it out of the way and it provides you with an abundance of energy for the rest of the day.
- Crank up your favorite music! I often see suggested play lists for workouts, but just listen to what excited you. It will get you moving.
- When I started running I started out at 1/2 km and increased 1/4 km increments (I usually average 5km runs). It didn’t happen overnight – give your lungs and muscles time to adjust. Same with weight training – start light and build your way up. Results will start to show in about 3 to 4 weeks.
- Making it my #1 priority and doing it first thing in the morning.
- 30 day yoga challenges for myself and I then give updates on my Blog – accountability!
- If I workout in the morning, before day starts, I “earn: chocolate/beer/carb later in the day. Otherwise no treats for me!”
- No excuses. I never miss more than 2 days. You have to insist on it and protect it!
- Also just put your workout clothes on. Once you do that it feels silly not to start. Just commit to 10 minutes. You will probably do more.
- Also: no one ever regrets working out. Is there anything else in the world you can do, and know 100% you won’t regret it?
July’s Newsletter
- more tips from the life coaches
- scrumptious recipes
- recommended reading
- exercise tips
- Helga’s boot camp champ
- and more…