Hi to all our VIP’sOn the journey of being the CHANGE THAT IS NEEDED, it is important to remember that nothing more than little steps is what is needed. If you make the steps too big, too unrealistic then you may find it hard to maintain the change. To build a new foundation of behaviour, start with a clear intent then place one brick at a time to create a strong base from which to work from.Suggestion – buy a medium size whiteboard and place a horizontal line through the middle, one end representing the starting point- the now and the other the goal you are moving towards.Each day ask yourself what is one action step I can take to move towards my goal. The actions steps can be small and simple or it could be a more specific larger step needed on that day. Record on your whiteboard the daily steps you have taken. It is very rewarding to see the progress you are making toward your goal, and it also reveals other actions steps that may be needed. By recording your goals in this way gives them momentum. This also assists in focus, motivation and discipline building.
Radical Forgive – by Colin Tipping
‘Step by step instructions in how to heal the wounds of the past and quickly resolve everyday hurts and emotional issues you might otherwise hold onto for a very long time’.
(Note from Salima. Remember let go of any information that may not line up with Wisdom and gather all tools that help make peace with the past.)
Now that you have ‘The Wisdom Development Model” as your foundational understanding, Im sure you will gain some great insight from this book.
Click here to view more and purchase book here.Enjoy!
Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality the strongest people are those who feel the pain, learn from it, let it go and make peace within.
Live Love Laugh Salima xx
Life Coach Statement
“Remember … letting go of old emotional baggage is a decision that one makes. We all know how to do release from an early phase of our life, but often, when we grow up, we don’t realise that the decision to release takes place just below the conscious mind. We usually think that we can’t let go of something because we have been holding on to it for too long a time. Here’s a start for doing that releasing. Simply allow yourself to feel the feeling in awareness without hating it, then ask1) “Could I allow myself to let this (name of the feeling) go?”2) “Would I?”3) “When?”Wait for an answer after each question is asked. Repeat these 3 questions as often as necessary till you feel a shift in your body ~ a deep sigh, tears, laughter, yawning, a new spaciousness in your chest, a new feeling of lightness ~ or simply that absence of the old uncomfortable feeling.
Dispelling Wetiko by Paul Levy ~ a mind-shifting perspective on the ‘little devil’ voices that whisper those lies telling us that doing familiar destructive behaviour isn’t going to hurt anything or anyone. If you have ever experienced a challenge with self-medication this will beautifully support you in not buying into further destructiveness. Click here to read more or to buy the book
Interesting Link
‘Inner Worlds – Outer Worlds’ … the first of an engaging 4 part documentary CLICK HERE to view the video.
Jayana’s Pearls of Wisdom
Remember you are a work in progress…in the sense that whilst you are already 100% worthy with nothing to “prove”, life with its inherent situations is your learning environment to grow, receive challenges so you can inspect and change inaccurate, out-dated beliefs and their effects. This is the mechanism that allows you to develop your capacity and resilience to live a more realistic and self aware life. Corresponding emotions that begin to naturally arise which reflect this shift can be experienced as, but not limited to, happiness, contentment, appreciation, gratitude, patience, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, self-love, interest in your own journey.
Choosing to be your own Change Agent puts you in the drivers seat; removes the “victim” status inaccurate thinking sets up = becoming Response-able.
Your contribution is part of the bigger evolution we are all part of.Happy travels, from a fellow Journeyman, Jayana
Jo’s Picks
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine
“The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.” – Unknown
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard
A big hello to everyone this month!
Jaye’s Quote
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”Lao Tzu
When we can start to be the ‘Observer’ of our thoughts, body sensations, emotions and actions, we become ‘Aware.’ It is this Awareness that leads to change. Think of thoughts, body sensations and emotions, as though you are watching them move through you. Remember! When we are not aware, these thoughts, body sensations and emotions become habit, unconscious, if we are reacting to them. We don’t notice them anymore, so without even noticing, this soon seems to be our character and a part of our destiny.
Another lovely saying is ‘Emotions are meant to come and go, even those you wish would stay.’ Feel them while they are there, they are there to be acknowledged, not hung onto. We often crave the good feelings and avoid the bad feelings. They are simply just indicators, sign posts. Trace them back to your thoughts and beliefs and if these are not accurate, make some change.
Have a lovely month and I look forward to sharing with you next issue.
Aravindha’s Mushroom Risotto
Serves 4

Ingredients· 7 cups of vegetable stock (can use chicken / beef if you prefer)· 1 cup of white wine vinegar· 2 tbs olive oil· ½ cup grape seed oil
· 1 leek thinly sliced
· 400 grams sliced mushrooms
· 500 grams arborio rice
· 1 lemon – juiced
· 1/2 lemon rind grated
· 3 tbs parsley and a little extra for serving
· pepper to taste
Prep: 15 minutes | Cook: 50 minutes
- Prepare stock and wine in a large saucepan and bring to the boil for 5 minutes then keep at a low simmer.
- In a large pot (this is the pot your risotto will cook in so needs to be large) heat Olive and grape seed oils. Add sliced leek and cook at medium heat for 5 minutes or until soft. Add in the mushroom and cook a further 5 minutes.
- Stir in the arborio rice and cook until translucent. Add ½ cup simmering stock, stirring until almost completely absorbed. Continue adding ½ cup of stock until absorbed until all stock is added.
- Cook for a further 20 minutes or until the stock is absorbed – stirring constantly.
- Once stock is absorbed mix in lemon juice, grated lemon rind and parsley. Stir until combined and mixed all the way through.
- Serve with garnish of parsley and cracked pepper to taste.
Aravindha Chef @ The Health Retreat
Carolita’s Amazing Salad Dressing
Juice of 2 lemons
½ cup apple cider vinegar
½ cup macadamia oil
¼ cup toasted sesame oil
1 tablespoon crushed garlic
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
1 tablespoon chopped coriander
Optional pinch of oregano (fresh or dried)
Combine all the ingredients and pour over your salad
Lots of love
Carolita Chef @ The Health Retreat |
March’s Masterpieces!
Lyndha Kate






Above 4 pieces of Artwork by Warren, Kaali, Daniel & Sharron
Helga’s March Bootcamp Champ
Congratulations ‘Warren’March 2013Boot Camp Champ 1st – Warren 14 minutes, 06 seconds2nd – Angus 17 minutes, 02 seconds
3rd – Kaali 19 minutes, 50 seconds
Some great achievements this month, and regardless of time everyone’s efforts were amazing…well done to all those that gave it a shot
(Mel, Kat, Megan, Claire, Deb, Kristain, Kerry, Jan)

Deb Claire, Angus & Kerry

Jan & Kerry Jan, Kerry & Claire

Kaali |
May 2013MonthlyNewsletter
- More Quotes & Tips from the Life Coaches