Hello and welcome to The Health Retreat’s February Newsletter.
In our Newsletters you can expect to receive inspiration, tips and words of wisdom from our wonderful Team at The Health Retreat.
In this edition our amazing Life Coaches share more tips to help you to continue to stay empowered. For those that might need a little help with exercising, Carol has some great tips to help you get started and outlines the the benefits of exercise for depression and anxiety. Zoe, Retreat Chef continues to delight and tantalise our taste buds with another delicious healthy recipe.
PLUS we share with you some creative artwork, we’ll announce Helga’s Bootcamp Champ of the month and some lovely contributions from former clients:
- Mark shares his goal to embark on an adventure helping others and himself;
- Anthony’s shares one of his mouth watering recipes, and
- Mischa’s her personal journey since returning home.
If you have any specific topics you would like covered in the newsletter or wish to share a personal story, please send it through to Helga at: helga@thehealthretreat.net.au
We look forward to sharing and helping you continue to stay empowered and 100%
Best Wishes
Francis & Carol
And the very Remarkable Health Retreat Team Team |
To Our Dear Valued Guest:
That which you are most challenged by is that which needs to develop within you and will assist others.
Let’s look more deeply into this realization. Okay what’s challenging you the most? It could be an ongoing issue regarding how someone is treating you. Lets say that person does not agree with you. Or they are verbally putting you down.
Question : Why would you need to develop some part of you’re thinking or behaviour if the challenge is because of someone else’s behaviour?
Answer : What I predominately believe (often unconscious ) will be what I predominately keep experiencing. What this means is you have a belief structure that supports this behaviour and therefore an emotional trigger to the behaviour and the ongoing situation.
Solution : We may not be able to change others behaviour (and sometimes we can) however what is important is that you identify what belief structure you have about yourself that keeps surfacing through body sensations /stress that needs to be brought into conscious awareness so it can be upgraded, let go of, released!
By applying The 6 Step Upgrade Process you start the process of reducing your emotional response and upgrading your beliefs to be able to look at these situations differently. Then from a more accurate perspective, bigger picture, see how you can think, feel and react differently. This is also a great moment to take any action necessary to facilitate on going change.
Conclusion: Reoccurring challenges are bringing to the surface limiting beliefs you hold, to allow development to take place within you, therefore ultimately facilitating change in how and what you keep experiencing.
Mission: Make the decision to work on one of the reassuring challenges for the next month or until the inner change (Upgrade) has taken place within you, and the outer situation has either changed or your reaction to the situation has changed.
Big Hug from Salima
Tip from Richard
Continue to explore through daily excursions into mindfulness how to ‘inhabit being’ more and more… so that your ‘doing’ flows from this being in ‘being-ness.’
Set the intention within yourself to remember to take conscious belly breaths 15 to 20 times a day, as you simultaneously centre your consciousness more and more in the region of your heart. As soon as your big mind sends up the reminder to take a slow conscious breath, DO IT, and send gratitude to your big mind for that reminder. This will build and strengthen further your working cooperative relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind(s).
Richard’s Quote Pick
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
~ Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
(Note: from Richard: this applies to women as well – lol!)
Richard’s Book Pick
Free Will – by Sam Harris
Statement about the book from Richard:
This book by neuroscientist Sam Harris is short (less than thirty thousand words) and not overly technical. Although the philosophical implications might disturb some, it does support our position in relation to the 3rd upgrade – Change beliefs to change behavior. It is certainly worth a read if you have been through stages 1 and 2. Click here to read more or purchase the book.
Jayana Wisdom Pearls
In a Universe where “like goes to like” and “birds of a feather fly together”, we attract to us that which we emanate. Consequences may come in an unexpected way. We are kind to the Checkout woman, a year later a helpful stranger gives us a hand on a deserted highway. An observable “this” does not cause an observable “that”. Instead, in reality, a shift in motive or behaviour acts on a field which then produces an increased likelihood of responding in a positive way. Our inner work is like building up a bank account, but on which we cannot draw at will. The disposition of the funds is determined by the subtle energy field which awaits a trigger to release this power back into our own lives.
Excerpt from Power Vs Force by David R Hawkins M.D.,PhD.
What you have learnt at The Health Retreat and are practicing, is a form of this understanding…what you believe and think about, is the creative force that directs where your energy (behaviour) will follow. Remember to take the time to inspect and challenge ANY beliefs and thinking whenever your emotional indicators give you the feedback that its time to do so.
By examining your beliefs and thoughts regularly, using the 6 step upgrade and other techniques you have learnt, exposes inaccurate arising fears the mind conjures up about your sense of self worth, and everything. Whilst we know we cannot control life, we remember we ARE creating how we experience our life moment to moment, thought by thought.
Change your belief, change your behaviour if needed, NOW, don’t wait a second longer, your life is waiting!
Happy Journey.
Jo’s Quote Picks
“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown
Jaye’s Quote
“This too shall pass.”
Buddist quote
Jaye’s Book Pick
“The Power of Now”
A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
By Eckhart Tolle
To make the journey into “The Power of Now” we need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. Surrender to the present moment, where problems do not exist. It is here we find our joy, are able to embrace our true selves and discover that we are already complete and perfect. Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle offers simple language and a question and answer format to guide us. ‘The Power of Now’ aims to transform your thinking. Click here to read more or buy the book. |
Yum Yum Balls
A sweet little treat that’s nice to your body.

200g dates
100g figs
100g sultanas
100g currents
100g raisins
300g apricots
2 tbsp. sunflower seeds
2 tbsp. pepitas
2 tbsp. flax meal (use extra almond meal if unavailable)
1/2 cup of almond meal Desiccated coconut to roll balls in
In a food processor, process the sunflowers and pepitas until finely ground. Put into a bowl with the flax and almond.
Process the fruit until it is finely chopped but not quite paste. Depending on the size of your food processor you might need to do this in a few lots. Add the fruit to the bowl and mix well by hand.
Place coconut into a bowl. Roll the fruit mixture into balls and then roll in the coconut.
Enjoy with love from Zoe Wilson, Chef @ The Health Retreat
Zoe’s Cookbook Recommendation
Cooking Without By Barbara Cousins
This is not only a good book for those with food allergies; it also contains a lot of valuable information about eating healthy. The recipes are tasty, simple and designed to help the body heal and stay well.
Click here to buy now! |
Jude’s Quote Picks
“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it.
Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky… but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy ~ the experiences that make us the most vulnerable.
Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

~ Dr. Brene Brown
“Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behaviour does!” |
Exercise Tips from Carol
Research suggests that it may take at least 30 minutes of exercise a day for at least three to five times a week to significantly improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Some evidence suggests that exercise positively affects the levels of certain mood – enhancing neurotransmitters in the brain call endorphins. This can release tension in the muscles, help you sleep better and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Take simple steps each day and add a little activity into your day you will find it will help lift your mood. Start with realistic goals which may be:
- Set achievable goals. You do not have to train for a marathon. Set a goal to get dressed and walk around the block and build from this.
- Identify what you enjoy. Figure out what type of exercise you enjoy and would most likely do and start with this. You may like gardening so plan a new adventure in the garden.

- Don’t think of exercise as a burden! Do what you enjoy. Look at is as another tool to make you feel better.
- Upgrade and change your beliefs on exercise – Go easy on yourself. You might not be able to handle a lot of exercise at the start so feel good about what you have done not what you have not done.
- Make it social. Try to find a friend to walk with. Talking to a friend can help raise your energy levels and remind yourself you are not on your own.

- Go outside. Even a little bit of sunshine can help raise your mood. Try to get outside and get some fresh air remind yourself about all the beauty in this world and be grateful.
Remember you are 100% in your journey of life and embrace it !!!
One of Ant’s Favorites
Anthony’s Skewered Coconut Tiger Prawns
6 Spring Onions (finely chopped)
Rind of 1 lime
Juice of 1 lime
½ cup chopped coriander
2 tablespoons of sunflower oil
1 tin of coconut milk or cream
Combine all ingredients above for at least 1 hour
30 – 40 Raw Tiger Prawns
Coconut Milk
Place raw tiger prawns in a bowl with finely chopped spring onions place add 400mls rind and juice of 1 lime, chopped coriander, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and coconut cream. Marinate for 1 hour.
Place 6-8 prawns on metal skewers. Cook on a medium heat on the BBQ for approximately 8 minutes turning frequently or until they change colour, keep brushing excess marinade onto prawns once cooked rest and squeeze lemon juice over them and serve.
Enjoy, love from Ant (Guest) |
Misha & Mark
Misha shares her personal journey
since returning home…
This is my attempt at the fruit cake from the December newsletter. I replaced the eggs with “no egg” (because I’m vegan) and decorated it with a R2D2 (Star Wars) icing sugar snowflake that I made. Everyone in my family loved it especially my gluten and dairy intolerant sister 🙂 It was all eaten so that is a good sign!

This is the first Christmas in a ‘long time’ that I have had pictures of me “really” smiling. I was also able to enjoy all the moments of being with my family, like watching the kids unwrap presents and enjoy the wonder and magic in my 4 year old daughters eyes. In the past I had always been focused on the stress the season causes, the shopping, driving and all the logistics then missing out on the moments. Not this year!! Every time I found “right life model” thoughts sneaking in I would “Stop, Breath and Think” and work out Is this thinking accurate? and Is it coming through a filter? If so, which one? Then I would think about the corresponding wisdom from “The Wisdom Development Model” and upgrade J
Also it was very nice to have others comment to me on how I had changed and that I was back to “the old Misha”
All this thanks to The Health Retreat.
Love Misha
Mark before a training ride
Mark shares his goal
to embark on an adventure
to help himself and others.
There are many reasons why I am embarking on the adventure of completing the Rio Tinto Ride to cure Cancer. 
This cause is close to my heart on a number of levels. We all have family or friends that are battling cancer or who have already lost that battle, so I know it will be close to your heart too. My family and friends have been touched by many types of cancer. Facial carcinomas, bowel cancer, non Hodgkin’s lymphoma, melanomas, prostate and ovarian cancer to name a few. Whilst I may not be able to find a cure directly, I hope that by completing this challenge, I can at least help to contribute to the ongoing research of our wonderful scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR).
On a deeper personal level I am committing to this ride to mark a new way of moving forward as I have suffered from anxiety and depression for a number of years, and feel this is one way to continue on a positive journey to make exercise my mood enhancer, set a goal and give back to the community that has supported me over the years. Your support in helping me on my journey to complete a goal, stay fit and make a difference to those that have been effected by Cancer are most welcome – donations to can be made by clicking here.
Thank you for your support, Mark |
Andrew & his masterpiece
January’s Art Masterpieces
Helga’s January Bootcamp Champs
Congratulations ‘Seamus’January 2013
Boot Camp Champ
Some awesome PB’s (Personal Bests) this month and I must say regardless of time the efforts you all put in were amazing…well done to all those that gave it a shot.
1st – Seamus 18 minutes, 30 seconds
2nd – Peter 18 minutes, 40 seconds
3rd – Dane 18 minutes, 50 seconds
4th – Kala 19 minutes,45 minutes

Peter boxing, Ozzie referee, Michelle assistant
Meet Bennett
Sian’s 5 month old Border Terrer puppy Bennett.
A present from her fiancé.
The most amazing gift EVER!!Sian, Client
March 2013
- More Quotes & Tips from the Life Coaches