May 2013 Newsletter

 Hello and welcome to The Health Retreat’s May 2013 Newsletter.  


In our Newsletters you can expect to receive inspiration, tips and words of wisdom from our wonderful Team at The Health Retreat.

In this edition our amazing Life Coaches share more tips to help you to continue to stay empowered.  We welcome Mia Sahinovic to our Team and The Retreat Chef’s will continue to delight and tantalise our taste buds with their delicious healthy recipes.

PLUS we share with you some creative artwork and we’ll announce Helga’s Bootcamp Champ of the month.

If you have any specific topics you would like covered in the newsletter or wish to share a personal story, please send it through to Helga at:


We look forward to sharing and helping you continue to stay empowered and 100%
  Kondallila Falls Photo at Kondalilla Falls on a Saturday walk
Best Wishes
Francis & CarolAnd the very Remarkable Health Retreat Team Team


When you have decided that you want to make change, in that moment you are saying that you want something that you don’t currently have and has not be developed at the level you want it to be in regards to that specific situation.   It is important to understand that it will take some effort – (Upgrading- Visualizing – Actioning) to develop the beliefs structure you are wanting in that particular area of your life.  For example you may have confidence in your work environment to be able handle challenges, yet feel inadequate in dealing with emotional issue in your in personal relationships.  
The key points in moving towards your goals is to have a backup plan for dealing with any internal or external challenges/blockers/fears that will surface as we go through the stretching growing process.
1. When you encounter obstacles and setbacks on the way towards your new healthier goals, what are you meant to do?
(a) beat yourself up verbally and give in,
(b) go back to old destructive behaviour, or
(c) upgrade your concern to reduce stress and find another way to move forward.
Answer ( c) 
2. Now ‘get real’ and back yourself 100% to make the changes  you need to make.  Turn up daily, taking little steps to develop the new ways of thinking, feeling and being in YOUR WORLD.
3. Home Work – Take some time now to check you goals, making sure they are specific and have several back up plans to help you reach your desired outcome.

Nonviolent Communication – by Marshall Rosenberg PhD
“Skills to improve the quality of your relationships, to deepen your sense of personal empowerment  or to simply communicate more effectively”Read more or purchase, click here
Love and Wisdom Hugs 
Salima 🙂


Richard’s Quote:

Life Coach Statement

“Life is naturally creative – we are always in a state of creative flux to deal

with an ever changing world.  I help patients to create or, better, to discover the naturally healing reframes that are taking place in themselves all the time.  In one of my books I call this  “The Symptom Path to Enlightenment.”  

People learn how to listen to the message that their stress induced symptoms may be telling them. They learn how to convert their so-called “symptoms” into “signals” of how and when they need to do their own inner healing.  By heeding the message of their symptoms they gradually acquire their own insights and “enlightenment” about how to better their lives and facilitate their own healing.”

Ernest Rossi Ph.D.

Richard’s Book Pick

The Heart’s Code by Paul Pearsall Ph.D.  This book offers perspectives on aligning with this powerful cognitive system that helps us to know whether or not something is appropriate and life-enhancing. 

To read more or order online, click here


 Jayana’s Pearls of Wisdom

Little things can make a big difference:

Practicing the Health Retreat’s 6 Step Upgrade technique on situations that generate emotional challenge not only immediately reduces your stress/uncomfortable emotional state, they accumulate until you reach the ‘Tipping Point’ – whereby your neural pathways have grown and developed into a new pattern/habit that is naturally oriented to supply you with the bigger, accurate perspective.

What flows from this is the pleasant and expansive feelings that the body mind generates as a result.

From those individual, small steps, bigger things grow.

Does it matter when you do it?

The sooner the better…however, what if you suddenly realise you have been sitting in a “story” for a few days?

Do you shrug your shoulders and say “Oh well, because I didn’t Upgrade this straight away, there’s no point, its too late”?

NO! Just begin wherever you find yourself.

You are exactly where you need to be, the treasure of learning is all around you, this IS your Journey. You are the driver, not the passenger.

Happy travels, Tally Ho, Jayana


Jo’s Pick

Timeless words

All Fords are exactly alike, but no two men are just alike. Every new life is a new thing under the sun; there has never been anything just like it before, never will be again. A young man ought to get that idea about himself; he should look for the single spark of individuality that makes him different from other folks, and develop that for all he is worth. Society and schools may try to iron it out of him; their tendency is to put it all in the same mold, but I say don’t let that spark be lost; it is your only real claim to importance.

Henry Ford
 US automobile industrialist (1863 – 1947)   

Hi Health Retreat Family,
I have always been a huge advocate for Mindfulness Practice.  Just recently I have had some time off work with severe back pain.  I was reminded just how valuable Mindfulness Practice can be.  Working on the calculation that only 30% of our pain is real and the rest is attributed to the Psychological aspect.  It is then that we need to remind ourselves that all pain is a body sensation, a very unpleasant one, though merely a sensation.When observing the pain as a body sensation, look at the characteristics below:Mass                   /    light   –   heavy

Temperature    /    coldest   –   hottest

Motion               /    most still   –   most movement

Cohesiveness   /    loosest   –   tightest

Once you start to observe the sensation in this way (e.g. Tight, hot and moving), the pain lessons and sometimes disappears altogether.   Try it next time you are experiencing pain!!

Jaye’s Book Selection
 “Mastering Bipolar Disorder,” by Kerrie Evers & Gordon Parker
This book isn’t for everyone.  However if you are doing this illness or know someone who is, it is very informative and helpful.To read more or order, click here
Jaye’s Quote‘Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending’Carl Bard (1907-1978)


Introducing Mia Sahinovic to the Team of Inner Journey Therapists at The Health Retreat.

Mia brings an extensive amount of experience in the field of natural health and healing.


Aravindha’s Amazing Chilli Paste


1                 big hand full of red fresh Chilli

8-10          cloves of Garlic

1                 small hand full fresh ginger

2-3            Coriander Roots

1                 Lime

1                 Lemon

¼ cup      Dry Chilli

1 tsp.         Salt

1 tbsp.      Chilli powder

¼ cup      Japanese White Wine Vinegar

2/3 cup     Grape seed Oil


1.   Put all Chilli in food blender

2.   Add garlic, coriander (roots & all) Lemon, Lime, Salt

3.   Start blending; add grape seed oil and vinegar to keep moist.

4.   Add dry Chilli & Chilli powder.

5.   Blend till mixed.




Chef, The Health Retreat

Zoe’s Yummy Frangipane & Fruit Flan



120g         Unsalted butter (Nuttelex)

150g         Honey (or other sugar substitute)

200g         Almond meal (or raw unsalted cashews blended to similar consistency)

2                Eggs


1.   Preheat oven to 180oC

2.   Cream butter and sugar in food processor

3.   Add ground Almonds (or cashews) & eggs and blend well

4.   Spread on the base of a lined flan tin and top with fruit.

5.   Bake for 20 minutes and check, cook longer if center is still soft.


Mixture ready to go into the oven for 20 minutes

Note:  Best fruits to use:

·      Thinly sliced apple or pear – sprinkled with cinnamon

·      Stone fruits halved and placed skin side down

·      Berries frozen or fresh

·      Bananas – sliced into rounds.


 Zoe’s Book Recommendations

“The Cook’s Companion”, by Stephanie Alexander 
This book offers practical information on ingredients available in Australia and recipes for each ingredient.



Chef, The Health Retreat

Helga’s  April” Bootcamp Champ

Congratulations ‘Angus’April 2013Boot Camp Champ

1st – Angus 16 minutes, 24 seconds

Some great achievements this month, and regardless of time everyone’s efforts were amazing…well done to all those that gave it a shot, even those that walked or did alternative exercise that suited their fitness level.

(Angus, Megan, Rob C, Leif, Dani, Claire, Eugine, Kat, Mel, Mo & Tom)Star Award – tenacity & determination goes to Mo who walked to and from both Retreats every day – 10+kms…amazing achievement!


Leif, Robert C & Tom                           Leif


                      Robert C                         Robert C & Massimo

April’s Art Masterpieces  Lyndha                                    Harry


Robert T                                 Angus

L-R: Rob, Robert, Helga (Art Teacher), Dee & Caroline

Robert T

Rob C


June 2013MonthlyNewsletter

  • More Quotes & Tips from the Life Coaches
  • Scrumptious Recipes
  • Reading Recommendations
  • Helga’s Bootcamp Champ
  • and more….


Kondalilla Falls Walk

Trail walk at Kondalilla Falls

Ashley, Chris, Paul, Yuwan, Paul, Michelle & Massimo